Tuesday, October 12, 2004

from xanga....

"The person who memorizes one line of scripture and applies it is more mature than the one that memorizes the entire Bible and applies none of it."
--Tom Hughes

"I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble."

-- Helen Keller

"The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ."

--D.L. Moody

Profound words are nice, a Profound LIFE speaks alot louder...and is far easier to believe.
Talk is cheap. Show me with your life.

Ever notice that churches who hire a CEO, instead of a shepherd, get congregations of consumers, instead of Christ-followers?

APZ co (1:53:30 AM): and this concluedes the conscious portion of tonights ramlings
dbolle316 (1:53:41 AM): hahaha
dbolle316 (1:54:04 AM): tune in next time for...?
APZ co (1:54:17 AM): a pointless sh*t fest?

How about some random acts of responsibility and senseless acts of self-control?
(thanks, ruth)

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. 

~Dr. Seuss

Living our purpose doesn't always mean being in front...sometimes it's just simply following...listening instead of talking....sometimes for a season...sometimes for a lifetime...WHO we're following...could that be our purpose?
Does it have to be about us? Do WE get in the way of our purpose? Will our purpose only show itself when we stop looking for it?

If Vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

OK, that's just wrong...

Ever notice most people spend their time

doubting their beliefs...
believing their doubts?

A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.
--Peter Marshall


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